Siapa sih yang belum tau Siren's Lament? Pasti udah tau semua dong! Iyalah orang udah ada di webtoon Indonesia :'v Thanks for Webtoon ID, karena sudah meng-official-kan Webtoon ini dan berkat kalian/? postingan ku banyak yang liat :" /bow
Pasti udah pada tau characternya juga kan? tapi gimana dengan orang satu ini? pasti ada yang belum kenal kan? xD
Singkat cerita, Siren's Lament adalah sebuah webtoon yang- eh kayaknya udah ku bahas deh summary-nya :'v ok. sebelum menuju ke topik, author mau bahas tentang "SIREN" what is Siren? Pasti kebanyakan belum tau kan? yup! kita mau basa basi dulu soal apa itu sebenarnya "SIREN"
Dalam mitologi Yunani, Siren atau ‘’’Seirenes’’’ (bahasa Yunani: Σειρῆνας) adalah makhluk legendaris, termasuk kaum Naiad (salah satu kaum nimfa yang hidup di air) yang hidup di lautan. Mereka tinggal di sebuah pulau yang bernama Sirenum Scopuli,
atau menurut beberapa tradisi berbeda mereka tinggal di tanjung
Pelorum, pulau Anthemusa, pulau Sirenusian dekat Paistum, atau di
Capreae, yang mana semuanya adalah tempat-tempat yang dikelilingi oleh
batu karang dan tebing. Mereka menyanyikan lagu-lagu memikat hati yang
membuat para pelayar yang mendengarnya menjadi terbuai sehingga kapal
mereka menabrak karang dan tenggelam.
Mereka adalah para putri Akhelous (dengan Terpsikhore, Melpomene, atau Sterope) atau Porkhis. Menurut sumber, seperti Hmeros,
jumlah mereka berkisar antara dua atau lima. Beberapa sumber
dikumpulkan sehingga jumlah mereka ada sembilan. Nama-nama individual
mereka adalah:
Aglaofonos atau Aglaope
Pisinoe atau Peisinoë
Thelksiepiea atau Thelksiope atau Thelksinoe
Menurut beberapa versi, mereka adalah teman bermain Persefone semasa kecil.
Di Yunani
pada mulanya Siren dilukiskan sebagai burung berkepala besar dengan
kaki bersisik, kadang-kadang sebagai bayangan hantu seekor singa.
Kemudian, mereka dilukiskan sebagai sosok wanita berkaki burung, dengan
atau tanpa sayap, memainkan alat musik, khususnya Harpa. “Suda”, Ensiklopedia abad ke-10, menerangkan bahwa wujud Siren dari dada ke atas menyerupai Burung Gereja,
sedangkan badan bagian bawah adalah wanita, atau kadang-kadang, mereka
dilukiskan sebagai burung kecil berwajah wanita. Wujud burung dipilih
karena kelebihan mereka, yakni suaranya merdu. Kemudian, pada masa-masa
berikutnya Siren dilukiskan sebagai wanita cantik, atau bahkan sebagai puteri duyung. Dalam beberapa bahasa (seperti Spanyol, Perancis, Italia, Polandia, atau Portugis)
kata yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada puteri duyung adalah “Siren”,
“Sirena”, “Syrena”, atau “Sereia” yang membingungkan penerjemahan antara
“putri duyung” atau “Siren” (mitologi). Dalam bahasa Inggris, “Siren”
tidak selamanya berarti “putri duyung”.
Pertemuan dengan Siren
Kisah pertemuan dengan para Siren diceritakan dalam kisah Odisseia. Suatu ketika, saat Odisseus
harus melewati pantai berkarang yang dihuni oleh para Siren, ia
menyuruh semu awak kapalnya untuk menyumbat telinga mereka dengan lilin
agar tidak mendengar suara para Siren yang menghanyutkan hati. Ia
sendiri ingin agar dirinya diikat pada tiang dengan tidak menyumbat
telinga karena penasaran seperti apa nyanyian para Siren tersebut.
Ketika ia mendengar suara merdu para Siren, ia memberontak dan menyuruh
awak kapalnya agar melepaskan tali yang mengikat dirinya di tiang kapal.
Para awak kapalnya menolak. Ketika kapal mereka sudah jauh dari Siren,
Odisseus berhenti memberontak dan menjadi tenang, setelah itu
Kisah pertemuan dengan para Siren juga diceritakan dalam petualangan Iason, Argonautika. Kheiron memperingatkan Iason bahwa Orfeus
kelak akan sangat berguna dalam perjalanannya. Ketika Iason dan
kapalnya melewati pantai berkarang yang menjadi habitat para Siren,
Orfeus mendengar suara mereka yang merdu. Lalu ia memainkan harpa dengan
nyanyian yang lebih merdu daripada nyanyian para Siren. Karena merasa
kalah, para Siren menceburkan diri ke laut.
Sumber : Wikipedia
Sudah dapat dimengerti? ok. kita langsung aja masuk ke topik!
1. Lyra
Lyra adalah tokoh utama di webtoon ini, dia adalah gadis biasayang tinggal di atas toko bunga peninggalan neneknya. Lyra memiliki teman bernama Kori dan Shon, mereka bertiga adalah teman sejak kecil. Ia juga menaruh hati pada salah satu temannya yang bernama Shon. Tetapi, sayang seribu sayang, Shon telah memiliki seorang kekasih, walaupun begitu, Lyra tetap saja menyimpan perasaan kepada Shon. Hingga suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang "siren" yang merubah hidupnya. Mereka bertemu disaat Lyra tenggelam ke lautan. Dengan sebuah ciuman, Sang Siren tersebut merubah Lyra menjadi sebangsanya, walaupun jika berada di darat Lyra tetaplah berwujud manusia.
2. Shon
Shon, dia adalah teman Lyra, sekaligus orang yang sangat Lyra suka. Ia adalah kakak dari Kori dan juga kekasih Aleah.
3. Kori
Kori, ia seorang teman Lyra dan tentunya adik dari Shon. Ia adalah seseorang yang tau jika Lyra menyukai kakaknya, tentu saja dia fine-fine aja, karna ia sudah tahu sifat Lyra dan seluk beluknya (?) Dia lebih setuju kalo Lyra yang jadian ama Shon daripada Aleah
4. Aleah
Aleah adalah kekasih dari Shon, Fashion desainer dan.. entahlah ya belum tau detailnya
5. Ian
And the laaaaast!! who is he? this is the Siren who kiss Lyra xD yes yes yes! he is the Siren! /heboh sendiri/ he is handsome, right? xD i'll introduce himself. He is Ian. Ian adalah nama yang diberi oleh Lyra, karena Lyra pikir jika Siren ini adalah "pemberian Tuhan" tapi.. siapa sangka jika Siren ini malah bertingkah menyebalkan.
Kali ini author mau bahas tentang negeri Utopia pertama, daerah Lukedonia yang dihuni para Noble dan tentunya Noblesse (?) kenapa Utopia? Kenapa Noblesse? Karena Utopia itu negeri khayalan dan Noblesse itu webtoon populer di Negeri Ginseng sana '-' intinya sih author ini lagi berkhayal di sebuah negeri dan penghuninya itu chara Noblesse :'v Sebagian besar postingan ini adalah hasil copas dari Noblesse Wikia yang udah bercampur dengan tangan serta otak author, karena udah Author translate serta ditambah-kurang :'v
Noblesse (노블레스) adalah webtoon online yang ditulis oleh Son Jae Ho dan di gambar oleh Lee Gwang Su. Noblesse sendiri adalah cerita tentang seorang Noble terkuat, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, yang tertidur selama 820 tahun dan terbangun di Korea Selatan di sebuah gedung yang tak berpenghuni. Dengan bantuan dari pelayannya yang setia, Frankenstein, dia mendaftar di SMA Yeran dan berteman dengan Shinwoo, Ikhan, Yuna dan Suyi. Namun hari-harinya terganggu dengan munculnya serangan-serangan misterius dari kelompok yang menyebut dirinya "Unions".
Lukedonia (Kor. 루케도니아) adalah kota para Noble yang bertempat di Segitiga Bermuda. Disana adalah tempat tinggal Lord para noble, serta 7 Klan Noble yang setia dan para Kepala Keluarga mereka.
Those clan-exclusive orders of knights are all under the collective authority of the Central Order,
Lukedonia's military force as well as their surveillance and
intelligence agency. The Central Order is under the command of the
"Shield and Guardian of the Lord", the Mergas Clan Leader, currently Ludis Mergas. His authority is only superseded by the Lord's.
Due to a potent electromagnetic field, the island remains
undetected by satellite or radar. This field can be disrupted by power
as great as those released in the clash between Rai and the Lord which dispersed this field temporarily and made the whole country visible for nearly an hour.
The Union had formerly stationed a fleet (under the command of the 12th Elder)
around the hypothetical area of Lukedonia and the entire place is kept
under constant observation. This fleet, however, was quickly annihilated
by Ludis Mergas.
Cadis Etrama Di Raizel (Kor. 카디스 에트라마 디 라이제르), atau lebih mudahnya kita sebut Rai, adalah tokoh protagonis dalam Noblesse manhwa series. Dia adalah Noble dari Lukedonia yang mendapat julukan khusus sebagai The Noblesse, yang membedakan dirinya dari semua Nobles lainnya adalah sebagai pelindung mereka, hakim, dan jika perlu, algojo. Dia adalah Frankenstein's master yang baru-baru ini datang ke Ye Ran High School untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang dunia manusia modern.
Rai telah tercatat sebagai seseorang yang sangat tampan dan elegan oleh bangsawan dan manusia. Dia memiliki mata yang merah (umum di antara Nobles berdarah murni) dan rambuthitam. dia biasanya memakai seragam SMA Yeran. Dia memiliki anting salib berwarna perak di telinga kirinya yang mana adalah hadiah dari Previous Lord.
Rai juga mengenaka pakaian yang mirip dengan seragamnya (tanpa lambang). Rai kadang mengebakan pakaian seperti high ranking Noblesseperti clan leaders di Lukedonia tetapi dengan sidikit perbedaan. Rai has a stoic and regal demeanor, and he
inspires awe and respect from friends and foes. This relates to his
enormous reserve of raw power, which is both a blessing and a burden for
Rai. The duty of bearing the responsibility of such power is what
causes him to act reclusive and seemingly apathetic. However, his
composure is sometimes broken by his perplexity and ineptitude when it
comes to understanding and utilizing the technology found in modern
times, though even when he is truly distressed, Rai has the same dutiful
and unfazed countenance.
Rai possesses no knowledge whatsoever regarding the 21st century, and
often tends to be lost and confused especially when interacting with
modern day technology such as cell phones and computers. He serves as
the Manhwa's comic relief due to his inability to use technology and his
appetite for ramen. Although he seems cold and apathetic on the
outside, Rai has shown compassion towards human beings. Although it is
not known whether this is due to actual compassion or out of pride (an
explanation of the past pointed towards Noblesse and their interactions
with primitive humans).
He shows great trust in Frankenstein, though will not hesitate to
berate Frankenstein for misinterpreting/disobeying his orders. Rai has
sealed Frankenstein's powers due to the latter's periodical misuse of
his tremendous power, and has shown worry in Frankenstein's actions,
when Frankenstein summons his Dark Spear.
Rai also has a great sense of duty as he decides to remain as "The Noblesse" whose life is even harder than that of the Lord. According to Frankenstein, Rai was feared by all the Nobles in Lukedonia and had to spend most of his life by himself at his mansion. He yearned for a normal life and seeing how M-21, Tao and Takeo
wanted the same thing, he wants to protect them and make sure they have
what he couldn't have. He is willing to forgive traitors who have
attempted to take his life, but he will punish them for harming those he
sweared to protect (the nobles) and for breaking the balance of world.
Rai loves the company of the human children he meets in Ye Ran.
In fact, he is first called 'Rai' by them. He can never bear to see them
injured. He is shown to be unwilling to enter a temporary slumber
(after random use of power) even for a short time because of his
uncertainty as to when he will awake and if he will get to meet the children again in the world he has come to know.
Rai has a profound love for eating Ramen Noodles and Frankenstein strives to create the perfect dish of ramen for his master. Rai loathes his clothes getting unclean or messy which can be easily perceived as he keeps them very tidy and clean.
Latar Belakang
The Nobles feared Rai as he held the right to destroy them at his will under his authority as The Noblesse.
Countless nobles who brought imbalance to the world were executed by
Rai. He became a pariah in his own race due to his duty and thus he
lived a solitary existence till he met Frankenstein. His existence was
little known even amongst the Nobles. He stayed alone in his mansion and
spent most of his time staring out of a window. His solitude was only
broken either when the Clan Leaders visited him every few hundred years or when The Previous Lord managed to think up a good reason to invite him over to his palace.
On one such visit through invitation, the previous lord gave him the
earrings that he currently wears, which serve as a seal on his mighty
power. It is revealed by Frankenstein that Rai had only one friend Muzaka, who used to visit him every once in a while.
Soon afterwards, Rai is tipped off about the intended attack on
Lukedonia. Rael's sudden awakening with a complete soul weapon causes
further worry that something must have happened to Rajak. The household
is alarmed and Rai and Frankenstein decide to check on the issue
themselves. So, they set off for Lukedonia.
On the way, Rai picks up the trace of Rajak on an islet near
Lukedonia. They find battle traces all over and conclude it was not a
fair fight where the clan leader met his demise. Rai reminisces about
the last time Rajak had talked to him before taking leave from the
house. Determined to avenge Rajak's death, they continue onward and
reach the shores of Lukedonia. Surprisingly, the barriers were breached
before them and both Rai and Frankenstein agree on one noble who could
do it so easily: Lagus. They then rush to their mansion where again,
they face a shocking revelation: Rai's mansion is destroyed.
Rai then sends Frankenstein to fight the enemies while he has something
to check in the wreckage. He walks into a chamber with a coffer inside
and realizes that the object that was supposed to be there, is gone. Rai
remembers the time when he was given the responsibility to seal away
the Blood Stone. Unfortunately, he has failed to protect it and the
stone has fallen into wrong hands.
Rai then goes where Frankenstein has been fighting the traitors. He appears behind the traitors but his presence goes completely unacknowledged (due to Frankenstein's prank).
After they notice him, all the traitors and werewolves are frozen to
the bone. Rai tells Raskreia not to get involved as he considers it is
his responsibility to protect the Nobles. The werewolves desperately
launch attacks on him but are subdued by Rai's overwhelming power. Lagus
also proves to be no match for him. The enemies realize that the
Noblesse has not weakened as rumored. Lagus then commands Edian to
attack Rai. She hesitates but obeys the order in a haphazard way;
failing completely. Rai overcomes Edian effortlessly. As the enemies
fall one by one, Lagus is left as the only one facing Rai. He then
brings out the Blood Stone.
Rai's tragic past regarding the stone is revealed through a
flashback. Back then, civil war had broken out in Lukedonia. Piles of
Nobles' corpses lay scattered while two winged Nobles hovered above
them. Rai was facing his own brother. His brother had intended to use
the Blood Stone's powers and create a world where only Nobles would
reign. Rai had to step in to put an end to it and ended up killing many
Nobles and even his own brother.
After eons, he is facing the cursed stone again, this time, in
the hands of Lagus. Rai watches as Lagus fuses with the stone and
harnesses great power. Rai's Blood Field is nullified and he even
receives injury from Lagus' attack. However, Rai holds the upperhand
over the stone's power regardless of his physical condition. Lagus then
amps up by absorbing power from the Nobles of Tradio clan (who are sent
to an ancient site) and werewolves. Rai is barely able to keep up with
Lagus and one of his wings gets torn off. The injury weakens him
considerably. As he is about to receive a fatal blow, Edian blocks it in
his stead and gets mortally wounded. Rai is shocked to see her
sacrifice herself for him and learns how she has been manipulated all
these years by a drug from Lagus.
Powers & Abilities
Raizel is shown to be the most powerful Noble and is possibly the
most powerful character in the entire series. He gets weaker after every
battle but even in his weakened state he is powerful enough to make the
enemies tremble just from his very presence. He has power that is far
beyond that of several Clan Leaders combined and has Frankenstein as his
powerful servant. Gejutel revealed that Rai is the The Noblesse, marking him as a being with power far above all others.
Also in contrast to the Lord who has power and authority over all
Nobles, Raizel has equal priviledges of a Lord as a high-ranking Noble
and can do whatever he pleases in which the Clan Leaders absolutely
obeys even a simple request. He was able to take Frankenstein as his
servant during his time wreaking havoc to the Nobles and was chased by
Gejutel and Rajak under the Previous Lord's order. His status extent to
all lesser Nobles and has able kept Rael and Regis' haughty attitude to
put in line.
As the Noblesse, Rai has the responsibility of protecting Nobles
from external threats, but his main duty is to guard the meaning of
nobles' existence. This gives him an authority to kill any Noble at his
will. Rai's only weakness is that he loses a part of his life force
every time he uses his powers and according to Frankenstein, his body
has already reached the limit and is beyond full recovery. The only way
for him to recover temporarily is hibernation.
This was the very first power he used in the series, shown when Rai opened the curtains after his awakening. Later on, he is shown trying to exit Frankenstein's residence by attempting to open doors and windows. This power is displayed in a more powerful fashion when he uses it to forcefully propel DA-5 leader Krantz into an adjacent wall. Another instance of this ability is used in a strong scale when he brought the 10th Elder hundreds of meters to the ground. He was also able to break the chains holding Rael with telekinesis.
About to use telekinesis
A flick of his fingers and...
Telekinesis brings down the elder
Costume Change
This is the second ability to be shown in the series. Rai uses this
when he woke up from his long sleep. After observing students walking on
the sidewalk he changed his clothes to the white school uniform to
blend in with the crowd. He later uses this ability again when he meets
the Lord to change into a black, noble outfit. It appears that he can
also apply this ability to others, as he did with Frankenstein the first
time they met.
Mind Control:
A common technique among the Nobles, however, it is shown to be more
prominent in Rai's case, as he uses the ability effortlessly to bring
powerful opponents to their knees. In one instance, he used it to take
away a person's ability to breathe. It has been shown that Rai is so
powerful that he can use his mind control to even freeze the clan
Mind Reading: Also one of the earliest abilities
showcased in the manhwa. With this ability, he is able to sense and
understand the thoughts and emotions of the people in his immediate
vicinity. Using this ability, he mastered the Korean language within a
day. He is also the only person who can read a clan leader's mind
through force, like he did with Rajak Kertia, the Kertia Clan leader.
Mind Link: Similar to the psychic link established
between Regis and Seira, Rai has displayed this attribute by
communicating with Frankenstein in the battle against Mary and Jake. In
the aforementioned situation, he ordered Frankenstein to utterly
eliminate the enemy before him.
Physical Prowess
As the True Noblesse the most powerful of all Nobles, Rai possesses immense physical strength, speed and durability.
Strength: Rai has been shown to easily block his opponents'
strongest attacks with little effort and is more than capable of sending
his opponents flying with a mere flick of his finger. During his fight
against Urokai and Zarga he manged to stop their soul weapons by swating
them away with his his strength. He also fought on par with Muzaka
agents who could cut a mountain in half with just a swing of his hands.
Speed: Rai also has been able to move at extremely high speeds
such that he covered a distance the DA-5 needed 20 minutes to travel in
less than a fraction of the second. He also surpasses Rajak Kertia,
who is known for his incredibly high speed (the fastest of the Clan
Leaders). He also managed to keep up with Muzaka who was the former lord
of the werewolves.
Aura Manipulation
Rai shielding the children with his force field
As the true Noblesse, the most powerful being among Nobles, Raizel possesses immense spiritual energy (aura). With his aura, he can easily suppress strong explosions and attacks, as he did with the 10th Elder's suicidal explosion. Rai can also create extremely durable force fields of spiritual energy, first shown to be used against Krantz.
It was powerful enough to easily block all of the DA-5 leader's attacks
despite the fact that Krantz's power was augmented both by the
consumption of D and the absorption of former teammate Shark,
who had also consumed D before being absorbed. Also his force field has
the unique ability of absorbing the energy put into the attacks, even
in the form of pure kinetic force (such as when he absorbed Krantz's
slashes and punches). He can also easily nullify the flow and effects of
the auras of others by releasing small quantities of his own aura. He
is also shown to use his force field to provide protection to others.
Blood Reign
Blood Affinity: Rai has a natural and rare affinity to
blood. With it comes certain abilities that can only be used by those
who, according to Regis, "govern blood". He is also able to sense the origins of powers as seen with M-21's
werewolf heart. He is the only person that met with M-21 and realized
this without a thorough physical examination of his body. The blood Rai
creates and manipulates has certain properties, due to the fact is drawn
from his life force and infused with his powerful aura.
The blood is actually quasi-solid, and is able to exert enormous
pressure and absorb different types of energy. His control over blood is
so profound that even simply saying that Ignes no longer had the right to look at him caused her eyes to rupture and bleed violently.
Awakening: This is one of the unique abilities that only
Rai possesses. However, awakening consumes a considerable amount of
Rai's strength and the chances of success also depends on the potential
of the person on whom it is used. Rai first used M-21's blood to awaken
his werewolf abilities temporarily in order to fight the Infected.
He also used this ability to awaken M-21 who was on the brink of death
so he could heal a fatal wound. M-21 once asked Rai to awaken the
injured M-24 without knowing what impact it would have on Rai. However,
he stopped him from doing so once he learned its consequences from
Frankenstein. Despite this, Rai uses this ability on Tao and Takeo to
prevent their death even though he himself has been suffering profusely
from recent random power usage. Awakening two people simultaneously
strains Rai so much that he collapses for the very first time.
Powers Sealing: Rai uses this power when he sealed
Frankenstein's power. It is speculated, however, that it is more of a
verbal command issued to Frankenstein by his master, as he
(Frankenstein) has been shown to abuse his power repeatedly. He can also
use his powers to suppress the Dark Spear on Tao and Takeo for not
consuming by it.
Blood Field:
This power is unique even among the highest ranking Nobles, since Regis
(a member of a high-ranking clan), has never even witnessed the
technique. It is a powerful ability used exclusively by those who govern
blood i.e. Rai and the current Lord. It creates blood out of thin air
and shapes it into a powerful typhoon (or other shapes i.e. a dome of
blood) that surrounds his enemies and completely erases all traces of
their existence, possibly at a subatomic level or lower. The blood field
also shreds apart the surrounding area and every thing within (e.g.
skyscrapers) at a molecular level. Blood fields are also able to invert
or completely disperse electromagnetic fields, such as the one that
served as Lukedonia's barrier. They also can effect the Earth's magnetic
field, seeing as satellites could detect a sudden dispersion of energy
in the region where a blood field was summoned. Blood Fields also seem
to scatter low-frequency red light, which is why inside a blood field,
everything has a reddish hue.
Soul Weapon
Soul: As a Noble he possesses a soul weapon but it is
revealed that unlike the other Nobles, Rai's Soul Weapon does not have a
materialized form. The earring is a seal binding his mighty power. The
combination of his "Noble Blood" and very own "Soul" is his soul weapon.
With the removal of the seal, Rai lets out an enormous flow of power
that can shake the surrounding environment and releases a giant
whirlpool of blood. Unleashing his full powers, increases his powers of
Blood Reign and unfortunately, drains his life, as revealed by Rai
himself: "To drain my life as I use my strength...such is my fate".
Enhanced Blood Reign abilities after releasing his Soul Weapon:
Blood Field: After releasing his earring (activating his
Soul Weapon), Rai is able to use true form of "Blood Field". The true
power of a blood field is that within it, the caster's has absolute
command over all creatures with blood and vastly dwarfs their abilities.
But unlike the current Lord, Rai has better control and power on the
blood and his Blood Field is shown to be able to shake both the sky and
earth. He can releases many Blood Fields repeatedly or the same time
while using his Soul Weapon.
Rai as Blood Demon
Rai's formidable Blood Phoenix.
Blood Wings: Rai has the ability to govern blood and
shape it into two vast wings (together as tall as a large building).
When this mode is activated, his eyes begin to bleed and glow crimson.
His aura's
power is magnified to the point where enough to cause Frankenstein, the
5th Elder and four Clan Leaders to involuntarily begin to tremble. His
ascension into this state also causes an earthquake in the surrounding
area. His powers are increased dramatically. After activated this power,
he generates several Blood Fields instantly. These blood fields create
craters hundreds of meters in diameter and shred apart buildings.
Blood Phoenix: A more powerful form of the Blood Wing
stage, in this state Cadis Etrama Di Raizel gathers all the blood he
mustered accompanied with his blood wings and transforms into an
enormous phoenix of blood. This state is powerful enough to put two
capable, experienced Clan Leaders into Forced Eternal Sleep. The phoenix
strikes its target with incredible power. The impact is strong enough
to appear as a bright crimson flash on the planet's surface. The victims
bodies shatter into numerous small blood crystals, and their souls
enter Eternal Sleep.
Hemokinesis: Rai has the power to control the individual
blood cells within his enemy's body. He can use this ability to cause
blood vessels to burst, possibly by changing the temperature of the
blood, stop blood flow, solidify/crystallize blood, limit/cut off speech
by filling the larynx with blood, fill the lungs with blood, tear
bodily tissues and flesh apart, initiate swelling, rupture vital organs
or even break bones by causing the blood forming within them to exert
massive pressure. This results in extreme pain for the enemy and is one
of Rai's darker powers. When used in synergy with his potent mind
control, Rai can subject his enemy to torturous punishment.
Ragnarok: After the death of Previous Lord, part of the
Ragnarok was given to Raizel while Raskreia was holding incomplete
version. When Raizel returned to Lukedonia,
he found this Soul Weapon in his mansion. Instead of using it, he gave
it to its true holder, the current Lord to complete her Ragnarok.
However, because of Raizel's exhaustion of using his own "Soul Weapon",
Raskreia allows him to absorb Ragnarok to refill his health and powers.
Currently, it became a part of his own Soul Weapon, his blood and soul.
This Unnamed Noble was the Previous Lord (Kor. 전대 로드) and ruler of Lukedonia. He is said to have entered the Eternal Sleep about 500 years before the start of the series along with some of the previous generation of clan leaders. His only child - Raskreia, succeeded the throne after his passing and is the current Lord of the Nobles.
Unlike his daughter, he has long, blonde hair that extends almost to
his waist. His facial features are similar to Raskreia's. In the past he
was shown to be dressed in a formal black attire similar to those worn
by the current Clan Leaders.
While appearing as the apparition that delivers his message, he
is dressed in a long, flowing white robe. He appeared to be a fairly
tall individual.
He was a kind, wise, magnanimous, blithe, and nonchalant person,
trusting of everyone around him; befitting of a sage ruler. It was once
stated that even though he could read the minds of the Clan Leaders, he
never once did. He also had a liking for humans and their traditions. He truly cares about Raskreia's
well being and wished for her to escape a life burdened by huge
responsibilities. Despite his good intentions, he was mistaken by the
current lord. He had displayed a fatherly nature towards his daughter
when she decided to seal Ragnarok. He materialized and started to nag
his daughter, chiding her for behaving in an 'unladylike' manner.
He especially favored Rai and loved him so much that he left an
imprint of his soul inside his shrine to speak with Rai once more and
see him for the last time. Even his last wish was to meet Rai one last
time. He chose Rai
to be the Lord so that Rai could escape the fate of being a True
Noblesse, as it seems that the life of True Noblesse is even harder than
that of the Lord. He was also comical and humorous in life, calling Frankenstein "Peacock" in his message, who returned him the favor by being called a "old bugger" (albeit non-verbally).
He also took things as they come and takes great pleasure in teasing Frankenstein. He serves as a great comic relief.
The Previous Lord ruled over the Nobles for a long time, spanning
several thousand years, such that he had seemingly forgotten his own age
or for how long he had ruled. At some point in time, he fathered
Raskreia, although her mother has yet to be mentioned in the story.
Prior to Rai's
disappearance 820 years ago, Rai was a favorite of his, as shown in his
constant desire for Rai to succeed him as the next Lord of the Nobles,
even though he already had an heir in his daughter, and has shown his
persistence in the offer despite Rai's continual refusal. He was said to
have paid multiple visits to Rai at his mansion during Rai's years of
solitude there and summoned him to his throne room every once in a while
to see how he was doing. On one of those visits to his throne room, he
presented Rai with a set of the cross earrings which currently serve as a
seal to restrain Rai's mighty power.
At some point before going into eternal sleep, he and the previous leader of the Kertia Clan devised a way to split the power of his Soul Weapon
Ragnarok, into two separate weapons. He then left one of these two
weapons, which was filled with his remaining life force, within Rai's
Shrine with a special message for him in the event that Rai did not
return in time to see him before the eternal sleep. He then declared the
area where Rai's mansion was located as the Forbidden Region
where none were allowed to enter. The soul weapon he left for Rai was
to restore his life force but he wanted his daughter to make the final
500 years ago, he entered the eternal sleep along with some of
the previous Clan Leaders except the six who later turned traitors and
Gejutel, who he personally asked to stay behind in order to guide and
assist Raskreia and the new generation of Clan Leaders.
Powers & Abilities
As a previous Lord, he is the strongest among the all Nobles and as
he seems considerably older than the current Noblesse (calling him a
child), he would be on roughly equal ranks with the Noblesse, if not
only slightly below as the Noblesse symbolizes pure strength. He would
be on equal ranks with Muzaka.
Soul Prowess
The Previous Lord's only shown ability is to manipulate parts of his
souls and transfer them into the unique objects or places to send a
message after his Eternal Sleep. Transferred soul do not talk like a
recorded message, it can talk with livings like he is alive. Each
message remembers the previous conversation.
Soul Weapon
Ragnarok: His
soul weapon Ragnarok is so powerful that the humans associate it with
the end of the world. He divided his soul weapon into two with the help
of Ragar Kertia
so that the second soul weapon could store his life force and then
transfer it to Rai. He left behind his soul's imprint within Rai's and
his shrine bearing important messages for Rai.
Elga Canesis Di Laskreia (Kor. 에르가 케네시스 디 라스크레아) is the current Lord of the Nobles.
Raskreia is much more well-known by her title of Lord than her name;
the only people who have ever pronounced her name since she became the
Lord are her father (the previous Lord) and Rai, the Noblesse. She resides in Lukedonia and was the secondary antagonist in Season 3.
Raskreia has long, straight, black hair and the characteristic ruby
red eyes of nobles. Her black and golden embellished attire resembles
that of a fencer (her soul weapon is a longsword) with the addition of a
long cape. Her earrings are very similar to the set Rai had received as
a gift from the previous Lord with the exception of a diamond kite
frame around the cross. She is also shown to wear round hoop earrings.
She also wears rings similar to that of Rai's.
In a flashback, she is shown during the time when her father was
the noble Lord. Back then, she donned white shirt with black vest and
trousers. She wasn't wearing any earrings but had the same hairstyle she
maintains at present.
Unlike her predecessor, she seems more strict and conventional, showing an arrogant and severe attitude. However, according to Gejutel,
she is too sentimental in her decisions and this sentimentality of hers
is one of the reasons why she is considered unfit to be Lord by the
so-called traitors. In fact, before executing Gejutel and Seira,
she was hesitant to carry out their sentence, hoping for their
repentance. However after hearing her father's message, she seems to
change her attitude and is willing to respect the will of the previous
Lord and to let Raizel take over her position as Lord. She believes
immensely in Gejutel's wisdom and stated that she and the other clan
leaders will require his aid, demonstrating how much she respects him.
Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia is the daughter of the previous Lord who
entered the eternal sleep 500 years prior to Rai's awakening. Both Rai and Frankenstein
are acquainted with her and it is revealed by Frankenstein that she and
Rai were not on friendly terms. Before the previous lord's eternal
sleep, some of the clan leaders made excuses and didn't enter eternal sleep with him. The previous Lord,
being kind, agreed to their request. But as soon as he entered eternal
sleep, six clan leaders betrayed others for unknown motives. So the
current Lord holds a grudge against the traitorous nobles, who had made
excuses and squirmed out of entering the eternal sleep along with her
father and then took chance in the new regime's confusion to betray her.
All these years, she had known and believed that Rai was the one who
led the treacherous clan leaders.
Lukedonia undergoes a sudden crisis as the traitor nobles invade
their former homeland. Raskreia, as well as the other clan leaders, are
at first oblivious of the intrusion. When Ludis gets involved in
fighting, his subordinate rushes to inform it to their Lord. Raskreia is
infuriated hearing of the return of the traitors. She sends out Rozaria
to aid Ludis. Afterwards, she herself goes to help out her people.
At first, she finds Kei fighting the werewolves. Seeing that
the traitors have even brought werewolves, Raskreia declares that she
will eliminate every single one of them for daring to step in Lukedonia.
She takes up Ragnarok to eliminate the werewolves who, on the other
hand, try their best to escape. When Rozaria's Divine Judgement attack
creates a moment's distraction for Raskreia, the werewolves aim an
attack on Kei and getaway as the noble Lord is checking up on the clan
leader. After Kei assures her that he is fine, she sets off in the
pursuit of the werewolves.
The werewolves lead her where the traitor nobles have been
cornering Rozaria, Ludis and Gejutel. Her arrival draws everyone's
attention and the traitors greet her with irony. Lagus criticizes her as
a completely incapable Lord of nobles and declares that they have come
to usurp her. Gradeus seconds the declaration and starts to fight.
Raskreia takes on the challenge of the traitors and begins to fight the
three of them as well as protect her people by herself. The continuous
attack and defense wears her down. Her opponents prove strong enough to
even shield through her Blood Fields. It also becomes harder for her to
protect the wounded and once she is unable to stop an attack from
reaching them. Kei arrives just on time and blocks the attack. At one
point, Lagus vilifies the Lord's abilities which are disappointing
compared to the young clan leaders they have fought so far and discloses
Rajak's death. The news moves Raskreia and she summons a powerful
attack. Unfortunately, even that attack is blocked by Lagus.
In the unfavorable situation, the sudden appearance of
Frankenstein relieves the Lukedonians. Raskreia is shocked when he asks
her to step back but does so to protect her people while Frankenstein
takes on the stage to fight the enemies. The odds have turned and
Frankenstein gains the upperhand against the traitors. A while later,
Raskreia and the others get another surprise: the Noblesse has arrived
to join the fight.
Powers & Abilities
The Lord holding her incomplete Ragnarok
Being the Lord of nobles, she is tremendously powerful. A bit of her
power's aura is released when she becomes enraged at Seira, which makes
the whole place rumble. It has also been said by Regis
that she had used considerable amount of her power in the past.
However, the traitorous clan leaders considered her to be considerably
weak, a rumor they passed on to the Union, which, on the observation of
the 3rd and 5th Elder, proved to be wrong.
Mind Reading: She threatened to use this on Gejutel.
However it seems she's not able to read a clan leaders mind forcefully
unless the clan leader releases hold of their power. Furthermore out of
respect for the clan leaders, the previous Lord never once used this
power on them.
Mind Link: Similar to the telepathic link established between Regis and Seira, the Lord was able to communicate with Rozaria to give her orders
Costume Change
Raskreia also has the control over her costume, she can change her clothes similar to the Noblesse or Frankenstein. It is first shown when she changes to Ye Ran's uniform which also Rai used same technique with same clothes first time.
Soul Weapon
Ragnarok: The Lord's soul weapon. She summoned it in order to execute the death sentence of Gejutel. The previous Lord had
split his soul weapon resulting in there being two soul weapons called
Ragnarok. It is highly probable that the real Ragnarok containing the
souls of the predecessors was left in Rai's shrine while
the second and current Lord's Ragnarok merely contains her father's
soul or part of it. In his encounter with the current Lord, the Noblesse gives the half of Ragnarok left to him to the Lord. But The Lord questions the gesture of Rai since her father has left this Ragnarok to him, not her. The rightful ownership of it is clarified with the revelations of the previous Lord.
Later that half of Ragnarok is used by Raskreia to restore Rai's
diminishing life force. However, it is noted by Gejutel that without
merging the two swords, she can never attain a full awakening.
Blood Reign
Blood Affinity: Like Rai
the Lord is one of those with the ability to govern blood. With it
comes certain powers that are exclusive to them. Albeit according to Kaye her ability to govern blood seems to be inferior to Rai's.
Blood Field: The absolute power exclusive to those who
govern blood. She uses a red energy akin to blood around her and
transforms it into a powerful typhoon that surrounds her enemy and
completely erases all traces of their existence. So far, she seems to
only be able to create the blood field through the use of her soul
weapon. However even with the usage of her soul weapon, her blood field
remains inferior to that of the True Noblesse.
Gaming Expertise
Raskreia has amazing gaming skills which she discovers during her
visit in the human world. Unlike Rai, she beats all the children on her
very first attempt in the game of CS 1.6 at the local PC bang.[1] She had observed the game only once and was taught the basics to play by Suyi and Yuna.